The Postpartum Mind with Mental Health Clinician, and new mum, Naomi Holt.

The Postpartum Mind with Mental Health Clinician, and new mum, Naomi Holt.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m a first-time mum, psychologist, model and lover of reading. Before mat leave, I worked with young people between the ages of 12-25. I am passionate about mental health, body acceptance and women's rights/health. 
You welcomed your little girl Aurora into the world in June. Congratulations!
How are you both? Have you had lots of highs and some lows.

I can’t believe that it was only six weeks ago we welcomed Rory (aka Aurora) into our lives; in some ways, I can’t imagine a time without her. There have definitely been highs and lows. I’ll never forget the overwhelming love when I first heard and held her. On the other hand, Rory had tongue, lip and cheek ties that affected her latch, so at four weeks, these had to be released by being lasered off. As you can imagine, this was not pleasant for her and left her quite unsettled, which was hard for us all, as every partner can understand no one enjoys seeing their little one in pain. She has been back to her usual self this week, and now she is six weeks; we are being rewarded with amazing smiles <3. 
‘Big’ feelings are often not spoken enough about during periods of trying to conceive, pregnancy, and postpartum. What are some of the emotions we should expect during these times.

Throughout these times, I experienced nearly every emotion possible, which is typically the norm. There can be so much joy and love, then a few moments later, fear and worry. It is a time of losing oneself as you were and becoming something new again. Emotions, especially the more uncomfortable ones, need to be felt and moved through. Remember, no emotion is ‘good’ or ‘bad’; they are signals that communicate a range of different things, so tuning into them is the most healthy thing to do.  
What is your biggest advice for new mothers to manage anxiety, uncertainty, and the sense of feeling overwhelmed.

Have a good support network. I know this is not groundbreaking, but there is a reason it is said so often; it is essential and protective to have people you can lean on and turn to when you need them. Remember to speak your fears, worries and concerns with these people, as voicing them tends to make them less overwhelming. 
We have heard of the ‘baby blues’ which can occur 3-5 days after giving birth.
How do our hormones impact how we are feeling.

The baby blues typically occur as the milk comes in after birth, and significant hormonal changes must happen for milk production to begin. The mental health impact of these hormones are experienced differently for everyone, but the typical low mood, crying, and anxiety are present, which is termed the ‘baby blues’. Personally, I have never experienced anything like it; I would be crying over the smallest thing and experienced extreme anxiety around dinner time for around 2 hours or so for about a week. It is a time when it’s so important to be kind and gentle with yourself and seek comfort from your partner or those you love! 
Breastfeeding is easy for some, hard for others. Can you tell us a little about your journey so far.

Breastfeeding is incredibly challenging and beautifully rewarding at the same time! When I was in the worst moments of my baby blues, I found breastfeeding would calm the anxiety I was experiencing. However, if it wasn’t for the wonderful support I received in the hospital and via a private lactation consultant when I returned home, I believe I would have given up on breastfeeding even though it is something I 100% want to do, as it was just that challenging. I am grateful I continued with it. Breastfeeding is a beautiful time that only I get to spend with Rory, and we are seeing significant improvements with her latch now the tie tongue has been released. 

What were some of your essential items you packed in your hospital bag?

Honestly, I actually believe I overpacked and probably only used 30% of what I packed. My advice would be to keep it simple! Focus on the basics that both you and bubs need, remembering anything you forget your guests can drop in when they visit. 
Nurturing the mum, is just as important as nurturing the baby.
How do you think mums look after themselves mentally to thrive alongside their newborns.

At first, it can be challenging to look after yourself as a first-time mum. You are learning so many new things, and you are responsible for keeping this tiny human alive. Finding the balance between caring for your baby and yourself takes time. Starting slowly and taking some time each day helped me recharge and reconnect with myself. I do this now by solo walking while listening to my favourite songs. This gets me moving, I get out of the house in the fresh air, and the music feeds my soul! All this helps me move towards thriving.  
What is your favourite thing about being a mum so far.

So many things. I love the cuddles and the little faces and noises Rory makes. I also have loved watching my partner become a parent <3 

We’d love to hear what you think of our leakproof bralettes for breastfeeding mothers. 
The leakproof bralettes have been a game-changer for me. Firstly I find bralettes super comfortable and not worrying about clips etc. Secondly, at night now, it is so much easier. I don’t have to look around the bed after breastfeeding to find where I put my breast pads, I can go back to sleep, and I don’t wake up soaking wet any more, which is a welcomed change! 

Naomi wears our leakproof night bralette in black.

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