How to redeem your Mumma Milla Store Credit.

Make sure to log in / create an account with the email address you used for your previous purchase.

On Desktop:

  • Look for the Account Icon - top right corner on desktop.
  • Log in/ Create a customer account.
  • Make sure to use the email address you made your previous purchase with.
  • Enter a 6 digit code sent to your email.
  • Once you have signed - continue shopping and add items to you cart.
  • You will be able to select and apply your store credit at checkout.

On Mobile:

  • Hit the Menu Tab on the top left hand corner on your mobile
  • Find the Account Icon - Log In
  • Log in/ Create a customer account.
  • Make sure to use the email address you made your previous purchase with.
  • Enter a 6 digit code sent to your email.
  • Once you have signed - continue shopping and add items to you cart.
  • You will be able to select and apply your store credit at checkout.